Home Battery Rewards
What is the Home Battery Rewards Program (HBR)?
HBR is 5 year, multi-island Grid Services Program for residential customers with a solar system paired to a Tesla Powerwall.
Customers sign up to enroll in the program through Swell’s Partners (RevoluSun), and are paid monthly by Hawaiian Electric while you are enrolled.
Where: Oahu, Maui and the Big Island
When: Now
Contract Term: 5 years* you can opt out at anytime
Expected # of Homes: 6,000 across all 3 islands
Program is limited to 4,000 customers on Oahu
What are the benefits of enrolling in the HBR program?
Currently your solar + Powerwall system is giving you the ability to store energy produced during the day and power your home at night, it also provides back up power in case of a grid outage. BUT, your power wall is capable of more benefits to you. Through the HBR program, your Powerwall will provide all of the above mententioned benefits AND the ability to earn money for the electricity drawn from your battery.
How much can I earn through HBR?
What is the Value of the HBR Program?
The program pays on your ability to provide grid services. Customers with more batteries, earn more incentives, because they are able to provide more grid services.
how it works
Reduce or Eliminate your electricity bill
Emergency Backup Power
Produce Clean Energy for Hawaii’s Grid
Earn Income from your battery
You keep control of your battery
Control info text
For more information regarding Home Battery Rewards