Commercial Solar Installation in Hawaii
Whether you want to capitalize on Hawaii’s abundant sunshine by turning it into electricity or you want to provide your facility with reliable backup power solutions, RevoluSun is ready to help your business. Our products, quality installations and award-winning service work together to lower your overhead with sustainable solutions.
Install a SystemSunpower is a Super Worker.
Commercial Photovoltaic
RevoluSun is at the forefront of the renewable energy industry, specializing in the installation of commercial photovoltaic (PV) systems. With a strong commitment to sustainability and innovation, RevoluSun has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs.

Tesla Powerwall
Commercial Energy Storage Solutions in Hawaii
At RevoluSun, we are at the forefront of this revolution. Our mission is to empower businesses across the Hawaiian Islands to harness the power of the sun, not just through solar panel installations but with cutting-edge commercial energy storage solutions. These systems are pivotal in optimizing energy use, reducing costs, and ensuring a resilient power supply

Learn about solar canopies
PV Covered Parking
Customers will appreciate the comfort of “shade parking” while you as a property owner use wasted space to generate free electricity.

Commercial AC Installation Powered from Solar
Financing Option for AC
Hawai’i State FCU’s PV loan includes 24 months no interest /no payments followed by 72 months starting at 7.7% interest. You must join the credit union to participate and can borrow up to $75K to finance your PV, solar hot water, roofing and/or energy efficient air conditioning home improvement.Commerical Solar Incentives and Information.
tax incentives are unique to each project and system owner/investor or “off-taker” who purchases solar power from a 3rd party. You must consult with your own CPA who can provide more guidance specific to your project.
The above tax incentives combined with the savings in the first year can cover close to the entire upfront cost.
Additional Federal Tax Credit incentives pending final guidance from the US Treasury
• 10% Adder for Domestic Content
• 10% Adder for Energy Communities – areas near shutdown coal plant such as Kapolei is one example of an energy community
• 10% for Low Income community projects
• Refundable ITC for Tax Exempt Entities
• Direct Transfer of the ITC
The IRA is scheduled to remain in effect until 2032. It is driving up demand and potentially costs so there are advantages to acting now. The new federal law also provides additional incentives for certain qualifying projects near coal plants that were recently shutdown (Kapolei!) and for projects using US made materials. Clarification on these rules will be published by the Treasury soon. We will help you pursue and qualify for the maximum tax benefits on your project.
Savings without the upfront investment
For over a decade, RevoluSun has been successful in creating straightforward financing programs to organizations who are not able to take advantage of the tax incentives. RevoluSun’s competitive financing programs can cover 100% of the upfront costs, leaving our clients with only a lower monthly electric bill payment. Customers save money on their total cost of energy from day one and with no upfront cost. The systems are monitored, maintained and insured by our financing partner to ensure your savings are optimized for the term of the agreement.
Hawaii Businesses choose Revolusun for solar.
Chances are, everyday you interact with an organization powered by RevoluSun. From Banks and Credit Unions, Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Churches, Schools, restaurants, farms. Hawaii’s most beloved institutions choose RevoluSun for their solar needs, we’d love to add you to our growing Ohana.
Commercial Financing Now Available
Did you know you can enter into a service agreement instead of purchasing your system? More and more of our commercial customers are utilizing our financing program. Our financing partner can pay for, own, insure, and maintain your system while you save money on your energy bills. There is no upfront cost to you. These are not loans. The investments are are provided under a service agreement where you pay one low payment every month.
Have other projects you need to get to first? Our financing partner can include additional capital for other projects paid for through your energy savings. Some of our customers have included LED lighting retrofits, roof work, structural improvements, electrical infrastructure upgrades, and more.
Commercial Energy Storage
Business’s energy demands vary greatly, adding a storage solution to your facility could be an option to maximize savings or provide resilience in the event of a long term grid outage. Depending on what electrical rate your facility is on, the hours of operation and when you are using the most power, a solar + storage system could be a solution to maximize your savings on electricity.
RevoluSun has extensive knowledge of the various tariff programs and can guide you to the solution that best fits your facilities energy demand profile. We have designed and built systems that allow our customers to avoid Peak prices of electricity, by installing storage solutions that allow them to store and use battery power when the grid is expensive and only purchase grid electricity when the rates are lowest.
RevoluSun leads the Hawaii market in PV + Battery Storage installations, from large commercial storage to thousands of HECO-approved grid-tied installations.

Commercial Solar Installation
- We make sure your project is executed in a professional way
- Complex Projects are a breeze for Revolusun with over 200 Commercial Projects
Commercial HVAC Installation
- The Bigger the job the more complex, especially when it comes commercial HVAC Installation.
- We have commercial experience and our expertise has given us an advantage above any other solar installer
PV Covered Parking Lots
- PV Covered parking is a creative way to become carbon neutral
- Our Systems not only help the environment but they second as a EV charging station and act as a statement for any company
Commercial Financing
- We know how it works. We can help fiancee the job
- No out of pocket expense to stay cool